Hello everybody thank you for spending time with me on my blog. I know you might be busy so lets get to it.
I've been with Tsu for about six weeks I have over 3000 friends over 600 followers and I'm following my max amount allowed. I got to these numbers by doing excatly what my sponser told me to do, which is what I'm about to share with you. The most important thing is to engage, the same way you would on facebook If you wanted to conversate about a subject.
By commenting on peoples post and requsting their friendship, once you have that person or anybody's friendship step one is done.
Step two is click on their name picture etc.. and their diary will come up.
Step three click on their friends
Step four request friendships, from comments on your, and ther peoples post.
Step five accept frienships.
The thing that sets Tsu apart is people want to be friends, it's beneficial to everybody. the quicker you grow the more exposure you have. the more money you can earn.
Thank you so very very much for your patience
I would like to invite you to join in the fun.
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