Engage With Influencers
How do you build a #tsufollowing without begging for followers or appearing “spammy”?
Well, there’s plenty of ways to do this such as producing original, interesting content and using hashtags to make your content more “discoverable” (more on those in later editions of #jdtips). For now, I want to focus on the topic of engaging with tsu influencers.
What is a tsu influencer?
In the digital marketing world, “influencer marketing” involves connecting with brands and individuals who have an existing following on social media who may be interested in your message. It is a channel for amplifying your content and increasing brand awareness. It’s much the same in the tsu environment- The walls of tsu users with a big following and regular activity are an opportunity for you to engage, be noticed and maybe draw users to your own wall and increase your followers (from both the influencers and influencer’s followers alike).
What not to do:
– Spam comments. This includes “follow for follow”, non relevant hashtags and non relevant comments.
– One word comments…. “nice”, “yep”, “agree”. Are you really selling yourself as someone with interesting opinions? Will this entice users to click through to your wall and engage? Probably not.
– Posting non relevant, uninteresting, self-appraising content on influencers walls.
– Begging for friendship/followers.
What to do:
– Follow influencers (they may just follow you back).
– Write relevant, thoughtful and varied comments in response to influencer’s posts. This is your opportunity to get noticed by everyone reading the post.
– Share influencer’s posts- not only may this help you earn a piece of the royalty pie, but you will also attract the attention of said influencer and draw them to your wall.
Who are the influencers?
As stated above, I consider an influencer on tsu to be someone who posts regular, quality content, has a high number of followers and has good engagement on their content. One great place to discover influencers is in the “Discover Users” section of the website (https://www.tsu.co/discover). Or if your looking for some of my personal suggestions you can start with these #tsuperusers:
Play nicely, have fun and good luck!
Complete Your Profile Information
To edit your profile settings go to “Settings” > “Profile” where you have the ability to edit the following details:
1. Avatar (profile picture)
2. Cover Picture.
3. Bio
4. Phone
5. Website
6. Relationship Status
7. Location
8. Hometown
9. Links to other websites (Youtube/Tumblr/Pinterest)
Of course, you may not want to divulge all of this information (I certainly haven’t included my phone number on my profile), but the important ones for me are as follows:
1. Avatar
Yes I see people posting and commenting etc with no profile picture. Yes, most of these users tend to be dropping spammy follow for follow type comments but I have also seen some decent, well thought out comments coming from profiles with no avatar. Do you really want to be associated with the other (spammy) users of tsu by having no avatar? Do you really want to blend into the turquoise interface with a default avatar? Would you approach someone in public wearing a mask? My guess is probably not.
2. Bio
Your bio is your opportunity to tell us what you are all about in just 160 characters and is often the first thing people read when they visit your profile. What does your bio say about you? Can we learn anything about you from your bio or is it “closed”? Is it interesting enough to turn viewers into followers?
3. Location & Hometown
Call me patriotic, but I especially like to connect with people here in the UK and I’m sure I’m not the only one who looks at location when I view someones profile. If your missing this information maybe consider adding it? It might just help you get a few more local followers.
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