Setting Expectations for New Tsu Users

Congratulations! You are now part of the social media revolution and you have joined a growing number of smart individuals and businesses who monetise their social media activity. Tsu is a new, exciting and rapidly growing platform and you have made a great decision to get involved.
I’ve personally been using tsu since day eight and in that time I see a number of questions and behaviour cropping up which I’m going to look to address in this post. Let’s start off by setting some expectations….

1. Tsu isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme:

If you’ve joined tsu under the premise of getting rich quick and giving up your day job, then I have some bad news for you…. It isn’t going to happen. Don’t hand in your resignation just yet!
The average user probably isn’t going to make anywhere near enough money to give up their job so if that was your grand plan than you may want to have a little rethink. Most people are happy earning between $5 and $30 per month for doing exactly the same as they have been doing on Facebook for years (for free!).
Having said that, there is an opportunity for marketeers, content creators and anyone willing to invest a little time on building their network (that is the people who signed up through your invite and their child accounts etc). There’s much more help coming with that but I’ll save it for a dedicated post.

2. You may not see anything in your bank for a while:

Nobody knows tsu’s algorithm. We know that views of content, shares comments and likes drive economics and earn you royalties, but we don’t know to what degree for each of the above actions. I often see newcomers on tsu asking why they have no royalties even when they have been posting, sharing, liking etc. My advice is to forget your bank for the first few weeks, enjoy being part of a new social network, build relationships and grow your following…the rest will slowly fall into place as you build momentum and as your network starts to earn.  Bacially, be patient and keep going.

3. It aint Facebook!

I see a lot of empty profiles. People sign up yet never make a single post, follow anyone or get involved. I’m sure there are many reasons for this but I believe a big reason is that they come expecting Facebook, don’t find it and decide tsu isn’t for them. Please don’t forget tsu is just a baby and at 10 years Facebook is heading into retirement!  You aren’t going to find your besties, family, neighbours, postmen, friends dogs on tsu yet, if you come expecting to find them at this stage you are going to be disappointed.  For me the beauty of tsu is connecting with new friends from around the world. (One social network with my boss/gran/mum on is enough thank you very much!).

4. It’s about engagement

Begging for friends, followers, shares and likes isn’t how its done. Your time on tsu will be much better spent creating interesting posts and engaging with others in order to build your following. If you are currently participating in #follow4follow commenting nonsense then be warned- your account will likely get banned pretty quickly.
How do you manage the expectations of your tsu children? Have I missed anything? Let me know in the comments….
Ready to get going with tsu? Join tsu now! All ready in? Follow me!





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